Tuesday, 14 August 2012

This blog has moved

The SAS Open Journals project blog has now moved to SAS Blogs, a new service from the School of Advanced Study.  Read it in its new home here, or choose a recent post from the list on the right.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Amicus Curiae back issues complete

Work has now been completed at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies to make the full back run of Amicus Curiae freely available online in SAS Open Journals. Issues 46 (2003) to 86 (2011) onwards were made available last October as part of the original SAS Open Journals project. Articles from Issues 1 (1997) to 45 (2003) have now been added as full-text searchable PDF files.

The articles featured in these earlier issues cover a wide range of legal subjects, such as the origins of the euro as the European single currency; the impact of the Human Rights Act; financial regulation following the collapse of Lehman Bros; privacy; and Scottish devolution, and have renewed relevance and topicality.

Read about:

IALS is very grateful to the original publishers of the earlier issues (CCH New Law and Sweet & Maxwell Ltd.) for their agreement to this initiative; and to all the authors (who retain their copyright) for their support in developing this service for legal researchers. Articles are included on the basis of a non-exclusive licence to publish online and a Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) user licence. Authors who would like to discuss inclusion of their past articles from Amicus Curiae are asked to contact steven.whittle@sas.ac.uk for further information.